Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Sexy Man

Yes, a sexy man is laying in bed next to me. For most of my life I yearned for hot guy. You know those bewitching women that always get the cute quarter back or the sexy lead singer? The woman who walks in the bar and every man in the place wants to buy her a drink? I was not one of those women. I was the sidekick to the hot chick. The cute guy would buy the hot chick a drink, and because he would want to impress her, he would also buy a drink for her not so hot friend (me.)
But times changed. 30 years later my hot chick bff sleeps alone while I sleep next to a man with eyes so blue it takes my breath away.

But it does nothing for me. Not tonight. Because my mind is out there in the shop. Replaying the last few days over and over in my head, trying to figure out how to get around the roadblocks in two of my current projects. One of the not so fun things about being considered one of the best, is that the projects that get you that title, are not easy. Many of them are throw-yourself-off-a-cliff-i-can't do-it hard. And I have two of those suckers sitting out there in that dark shop, lying in wait for me.

So instead of snuggling up and spooning with that incredible man with a body that most women fantasize about, I'm laying awake, wondering if I'll need a Zanax to knock me out. Life in the big league ain't all its cracked up to be sometimes.

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